Imparting Lives with the Word of God by the Spirit of God

Ed Arcton Home

Imparting Live by the Word of God and the Spirit of God



Welcome to Ed Arcton Official Homepage.


I’m thankful for your interest in Ed Arcton Ministries and LMC Reach Out Global.

Massive changes have occurred in our world and culture since the beginning of the Church, but we still holds fast “the confession of our hope without wavering” (Hebrew 10:23). What do I mean by that? At least five things in mind to consider!.

Committed to the Bible

First, I’m committed to the Bible, God’s inerrant and infallible word, as the final authority for faith and life. I view the faithful preaching, teaching and hearing of God’s Word as essential to salvation and growth in the Christian walk and life.

Committed to the Reformed Faith

Second, I’m committed to the Evangelical and Reformed faith, as set forth in the historic Westminster Confession of Faith. (Shorter and Larger). This is the statements of faith. The doctrines of Grace of our confession are beloved to Evangelical and Reformed Christians because they are biblical and emphasize the sovereignty of God in salvation. “God saves sinners” is the rich motto of our faith. In addition I fully subscribe to the Lausanne Covenant as my basic statement of faith and Christian values. 

Lausanne Covenant; Manila Manifesto and the Cape Town Commitment

Committed to the Great Commission

Third, holding fast without wavering means that I’m committed to the Great Commission, and so support more missionaries and evangelists at home and abroad. I and the team the Lord gave me are determined to be faithful in doing and supporting the work of evangelism, missionary outreach and discipleship here, there and around the world. 

Committed to Christian Fellowship

Fourth, I’m committed to the biblical teaching on the communion of saints. Called as an Apostle and a Pastor I  seek to foster real Christian fellowship, mutual concern, and love in the life of the Body of Christ.  Programs and committees are no substitute for holy and compassionate relationships.  I aim to be what God calls me to be for his glory and honor, and to strengthen God’s people to be – a real family, naturally, spiritually and practically caring for one another and disciplining one another in Love and in the good times and the bad. My goal then as an Apostle and Pastor, is to be build a loving community of believers in Christ, truly committed to one another. Above all is to make up to HEAVEN not to missed HEAVEN. Therefore working out my salvation and salvation of all those Lord entrust into my care with fear and trembling according to the Scriptures.

Committed to God-Sent Revival

Finally, like the Apostles of Jesus Christ and first generation of Christian faith, I believe that the only hope for the world is in the spiritual regeneration of souls wrought by God through Jesus Christ, and so I fervently pray for God-sent revival in our lives, our church, our city, our land of our birth and into the Nations of the earth.

With Love to you and family.

Thank you. God Bless You!.